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The Writing-Class


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Collective noun -


1. A social group consisting of curious, cultured, creative and free-thinking individuals actively engaged in the craft of writing and is typically inclusive of all peoples regardless of age, height, weight, race, passport, language, accent, self-identity, sexual-identity, religious-identity, ability, disability, seriousness

or sense of humour. 


Noun -


2. A room where the teaching of creative

writing and outside-the-box-thinking takes place.


Blog -


3. A space dedicated to those aspects of creative writing not commonly explored elsewhere. 


Welcome to The Writing-Class Blog. Its mission is to inform, enlighten, entertain, and amuse. It is a community space dedicated to those aspects of creative writing not commonly explored elsewhere, with the occasional foray into social and political commentary.


So, if you are a rare and curious mind searching for something more thought-provoking, then stay and indulge your brain, and emerge at the end a little wiser.

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